Gallery - Bike Spray Painting

This beautiful Ducati came into the workshop with damange to all fairings along the left side.

Our highly skilled tradesmen repaired and prepared all damaged fairings before re-spraying to its former glory.

Norton - Motorcycle Re-Build and Spray Paint

This vintage Norton came into the workshop for a re-build.  Contact our highly qualified tradesmen for quote on your next custom re-build.

Triumph - Bike Spray Painting

This Triumph Daytona came into the workshop for a re-spray.  Contact our highly qualified tradesmen for quote on your next custom re-spray.

Visit Us

5/10 Pilgrim Court,
Ringwood Vic 3134


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03 9874 6060


Mon – Fri 8.00 am – 7.00 pm
Saturday 8.00 am – 12.00 pm